Sunday, 2 September 2012

Week 5 // Does staying off Facebook make you suspicious?

Week 5 //  Does staying off Facebook make you suspicious?

After reading this article by Leigh Goessl for Digital
... and a discussion in class, does staying off facebook make you seem like a suspicious person?

Of course there are many exclusions to this, but if you fit the demo graph of 16 to 25 years old and don't use the major internet social media platform Facebook, your personality and lifestyle would be questioned. Because Facebook has grown into something that is a part of our culture, you are expected to be a part of it. Humans are very social beings and Facebook is now just a apart our social lifestyle.

To my experience, those whom do not have facebook or not use it (in the previously age range), have generally been... simply put, weird.  They've generally have so ~secretive~ that they borderline or just anti-social. Some of them have claimed to stop using Facebook due to drama, whether they're victims of gossip and cyber bullying, drama is just something that you can choose to create. SO really they;re just annoying drama queens. Also, I've met people that don't use facebook because they're self conscious of themselves, and even uploading a profile picture of themselves is too nerve racking.

So put it short, if you don't use Facebook and you are in the age group of 16-25, chances are you are just anti-social, dramatic and/or just really self conscious.
Bb ggurl Sha'Quandra ain't self conscious!

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